At home or in the office, a water purifier would avoid the consumption of bottled water while keeping desks free. Water contained inside jugs and bottles promotes the proliferation of germs and bacteria: dispensing, in fact, facilitates the entry of air that remains trapped. This problem, instead, does not occur with the installation of a direct production system.
Awater purifier with a serious, professional and elegant designis a clearly essential element for every office, ensuring both convenience for employees and ease for customers who, inside the office, can benefit from a glass of fresh water at any time.
We are the market leader in the sale of water purifiers for commercial activities, supplying offices, companies, businesses, schools, communities, shops, etc.
Many companies use us for the purchase of water purifiers so that during meetings, conferences, in formal contexts or during normal working days, staff and customers can take advantage of the drinking water. For the company it is, without doubt, an excellent source of savings.
Forget the old plastic bottle and start using water purifiers. In fact, water bottles, like plastic bottles, are containers that are often exposed to the sun in warehouse stocks and the water contained can remain there for up to 2 years. Plastic, especially when exposed to the sun, releases substances that are harmful to health. Instead, the water purifier avoids the effort of transportation as well as exposure to sunlight. Our water purifiers, thanks to the refined design and the robustness of the materials (all complying with the CE standards), are not just simple water dispensers, but are actual pieces of furniture.
We all know how important the safety of our health and environmental protection are. And our water purifiers combine the two solutions, delivering pure and ecological water.
We respond to every type of need that the customer presents to us, guiding them from installation to maintenance. Shops, pharmacies, boutiques, medical and dental surgeries, beauty centres and all kinds of businesses will finally be able to say goodbye to useless and polluting plastic bottles by purchasing one of our water purifiers.
A water purifier is an important element within an office. In fact, instead of the classic bottle, a professional water purifier can also be used as a piece of furniture.
An office water purifier also has the following advantages of:
- Avoiding the transportation of water bottles, contributing to environmental protection;
- Ensuring the purity of the water;
- An alternative to ingesting substances harmful to health every day, avoiding the use of tap water;
- Making an unlimited quantity of water available;
- Allowing the choice of tastes: depending on the model, it is possible to enjoy still, sparkling, hot or fresh water;
- Money savings compared to buying bottled water
Aesthetics is a fundamental concept because it is part of the quality with which our water purifiers are developed.
Whichever type best suits your needs, we respond with a wide range of Made in Italy products created with the highest quality components. All our purifiers are certified according to Italian and international regulations. Renew the style of your rooms with an Aquanova water purifier.
We are made of approximately 70% water. Water is our source of life. The first essential element for our well-being. This is why water purifiers for companies have been carefully designed.
Among others, the advantages deriving from drinking pure, low-mineralised water free from pollutants are:
- Improvement of the kidney function of the organism
- The hydration of tissues and organs
- The elimination of toxins and liquids
- Improvement of the appearance of skin and hair
- The acceleration of metabolism
- Disease prevention
- The contribution to counteracting cellulite and water retention